Touchstone Business Intelligence Values
At TouchstoneBI, our mission is to help our clients to be successful by providing best-in-class software solutions and services such as TimeXtender, to manage their business. Each member of the TouchstoneBI team has vast array of information, insight and expertise at their fingertips that can help you, and your business, succeed.
However, we want being a member of our team to signify more than just great service alone. We want it to stand for something everyone can relate to. As a team we want to represent and demonstrate what we believe is the right way to do business.
The way in which we do that is by asking and expecting our team to work in accordance with a group of four core Touchstone Business Intelligence values that are designed to be a force for good, positive change in our local communities and help those less fortunate than ourselves.
The core Touchstone Business Intelligence values are as follows:
At all times, we strive to conduct ourselves and our business with integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and professionalism.
We always treat our clients, suppliers, and colleagues with respect, we embrace diversity, and we respect the views and beliefs of others.
We work hard to engender and promote a working culture which encourages personal development and we believe in investing in the wellbeing of our people – our greatest asset.
A Desire to Create a Better Tomorrow
As a business we do our very best to be a good corporate citizen and make a positive impact on our community, the environment and be climate conscious in all our actions.

How TouchstoneBI Demonstrates those values:
ESG Policy
We strive to embed Environmental, Social and Governance into our business practices – thereby doing our part to be as sustainable a business as we can be, and to combat climate change. Take a look at our full ESG policy here.
ISO 27001: 2017 Accreditation
Touchstone FMS Limited proudly announces its achievement of ISO 27001:2017 certification, reaffirming its commitment to information security and excellence in software.
Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking
We are committed to the principles that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisation or to our knowledge in any of our supply chains.
You can help Touchstone Group succeed in our aims to help children and young people by donating through JustGiving to our chosen charity, NSPCC.